Disruptive Unicorns

Tech startups pre-launch lead generation plan

Written by Disruptive Unicorns | 7/10/21 11:55 PM

Customer Success Story 

Our client is a New Zealand Healthcare tech startup with the mission to making healthcare data accessible for everyone. Their team is comprised of leading industry specialists & evangelists from the medical and technical sectors. One of their key objects was to generate lead registration to keep audiences warm during the lead up to their launch later this year. To build and engage customers with a focus on long-term communication, we believe you must truly know your audience. With this goal in mind, we began by running our DISCOVERY persona workshop session where we utilized IDEO design thinking methodologies to map out the target customers path to conversion.   



The client approached Disruptive with a very specific challenge – a product which has not yet been launched to the market requires an early adopter audience who would need to use this product the most.   This begged the question; how do we acquire, grow, maintain, and continue to engage a database of individuals when the product itself has not yet hit the market?  

It all starts with persona science. We needed to understand the customer journey and the value proposition to implement a long-term strategy that targeted the right person at the right time and the right place in the buyer's journey over the lead up to their launch.  


How We Helped    

As we mentioned, this piece begins and ends with the target customer. During our DISCOVERY workshop, we identified key buyer personas and landed on a primary persona to take to market and execute customer acquisition campaigns. Throughout the DIAGNOSE stage, we ran a competitor analysis and a systems audit to pinpoint any gaps to then prescribe our end-to-end funnel advertising strategy with a focus on lead generation and nurture.  

In January, this campaign was officially activated with open and clear communication between the cross-functional team to ensure that we always addressed the right customer with a clear value proposition at the right time and place to generate lead registration and foster a healthy audience.  

We utilised an omni-channel strategy across digital ads, organic socials, monthly newsletters, blogs, lead magnets, website as well as an integration with HubSpot. Our strategy was underpinned by our understanding of the market, without which, no matter how many different channels we used, we would not have reaped the rewards of our efforts.  



Following the discovery and diagnosis sessions, we were able to work with the client to implement a strategy using a clear understanding of their goals and the key business persona. These findings lead up to apply an end-to-end marketing funnel to drive brand awareness and lead generation which has shown results over the previous months and has also seen organic leads come through. In August we exceeded our project KPI's for Q3 and have achieved 71% growth in registrations with an 88% engagement rate in their monthly newsletters. These figures exceed the SMART goals we had agreed on in the previous quarterly report.  


Are you a tech startup needing help identifying your key buyer personas and what marketing and advertising strategies would work best for them? Talk to us about your tailored customer advertising success plan HERE